Monday, May 09, 2005

Let there be Peace on Pulau Ubin

There is a letter in the Forum pages of the Straits Times today that begged not to turn Pulau Ubin into another Sentosa. I agree with the writer's sentiments totally. I went to the island two weeks ago and did some cycling under the blazing hot sun and this was after an absence of several years.

The rustic kampong tracks were gone - replaced by a paved road that led all the way to the Buddhist temple. But the quiet and peace along the tracks still remained but, along the way, some bright spark (likely from some civil service dept) had built ugly contraptions that passed off as holiday chalets. But this holiday resort was strangely deserted, something like those abandoned towns in the old gold mining districts of USA. Obviously, no one wanted to pay dollars to stay far away from the madding crowds (and food, of course) in a deserted and obscure location and right next to mangrove swamps which equate to swarms of mosquitoes at night.

But, oddly, the letter writer who wants the island's kampong charm to be left undisturbed, suggested airconditioned boats to ferry him and like-minded cold-blooded creatures to the island and, believe it or not, he also wish a hawker centre to be built there! But, what on earth for? There is one gigantic food centre waiting for his return at Changi Village.

The jetty area on the island evoke memories of 1960s Singapore, with its mix of dilapidated shophouses selling food, drinks and from which you could hire the bicycles. After our strenous cycling trip, we sat here along the alley, under the trees and near the sea edge, drinking our cokes and lunching on seafood dishes ordered from one of the shophouses. An experience you cannot get on the urban mainland.

And to the authorities (not sure who you are) who are in charge of the island please:
a) leave the island alone
b) leave the jetty area untouched
c) do not pave any more roads
d) do not build any more resorts (enough of them on the mainland, anyway)
e) no food courts, ok? cannot bear the idea of an S-11 here
f) leave the quarry lakes alone (enough water sports along the east coast, right?)

While writing this, realised that I should have said some prayers at the Buddhist temple for many many years of undisturbed peace for the island. Nevermind, I will make a return trip for that.

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