Tuesday, February 28, 2006


you cannot choose who you are born as
but you can choose the life you want to lead
but you can choose whom you want to love
but you can choose the happiness you seek


some people out here
who believe they can speak for god
who believe they can proclaim what is right or wrong
who believe they can impose their religious views
on others

the gods are confused

the gods are confused
as the man they created
fights with his fellow man
blacks against whites
indians against muslims
shites against sunnis
protestants against catholics
sinhalese against tamils
chinese against tibetans

all arising from the same seed
all having the same blood
all made up of the same dna
all beseeching the same god

each claims he is better
each says his faith is better
each tramples the other
in the name of faith, power

ignorance prevails

Sunday, February 19, 2006


When Faith collides
With vehement words
With denigration
With orgy of violence and arson
With self killings
With explosions

When Faith cannot tolerate
When Faith cannot accept
When Faith wants to chain
When Faith wants to slam
Other Words

Then Faith loses respect
Then Faith loses acceptance
Then Faith treads backwards